

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A trip to Target, or anywhere for that matter, starts when I wake up and ask myself a few simple questions.

1.  How did everyone else sleep?  Through the night?  Who woke up when?  How long did it take to get them back to sleep?

2.  When did JJ last eat?  What time will he need to eat next?

3.  Oh yeah, you!  How do you feel?  Can you manage a trip out alone?  How will you do it?  Double stroller?  (No, the aisles at that store are too small or No, I won't be able to carry what I need to buy.) Wear J.J. in a front pack and put Charlotte in the cart?  (Yes for a quick trip, but no for Costco and lifting heavy things off of low shelves, like milk, OJ, and diapers which is what I need mostly.  Or better question yet, do you want to carry a 17 pounder in the Baby Bjorn for longer than 20 minutes?  He's a real back breaker these days, but still too young to put in our Ergo, which doesn't put so much pressure on the shoulders.)  Put them both in the cart?  (Again, where do I put my shopping loot?)  Do you even want to get both of them both in fresh diapers, clean clothes, fed, and yourself organized?

4.  (And if I still want to go out after all of that.....)  Do I have time for a shower before one or both kids wake up??

Today all arrows said YES, go for it!  So I did..... (and I even got a shower!!!!  No make up though, my apologies to other Target shoppers!)

The process of Operation Target started at 9am.  Breakfast for me and Charlotte?  check!  Diapers changed?  check!  Everyone dressed?  check!  check!  J.J. fed?  Check! Again, all the stars were aligned for a successful trip out....but alas, we needed coats and socks and SHOES!!  And oh yeah, J.J. is screaming because he's tired and doesn't want to be in his car seat, he wants to be asleep.  So I get him loaded when I hear Charlotte in the bathroom saying "uh-oh"and see this....

Charlotte has discovered the toilet paper!

I laugh, take a quick picture, but we gotta go!  It's already 10:30 and J.J. has to eat in another 2.5 hours!!  Operation Target will be a success....I'm determined!  Mind you, this whole process started at 9am and it's 10:30 and yes, J.J. is still screaming!!

I get both kids loaded in the car and thankfully J.J. is asleep before we even get to the traffic light at Webster Rd.  We made it out of the house!  Success!  But wait, there is still a shopping trip to be had!  Amazingly enough the hurdle is really just leaving.  Target went great.  (We took the double stroller and I carried a basket, in case you were wondering.)  We even walked down to Great Harvest to treat ourselves to a free slice!  J.J. woke up mid trip and had himself a moment, but as long as I kept the stroller going we did fine. 

When we got home J.J. was ready for his next meal so again, he's crying.  Here's Charlotte trying to help him feel better when we got home....

and then she goes in for the kiss....(because a slobbery kiss from Charlotte is what anyone needs to stop crying)

The triumph on her face when he does stop crying....

Then everyone got lunch and I got to rock my son to sleep.  I got him put down successfully and he stayed asleep (a small feat in itself!)  and now am enjoying some pumpkin cheesecake as I write this, gaining my strength for another leg of the stay at home mom race this afternoon.  The quiet it short lived...J.J. is starting to stir and I hear Charlotte on the monitor.  The break is over, both kids awake at the same time.  Read or not, here I go!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Melissa! I'm impressed. Look forward to seeing you all on Thursday at Sexton!
