

Saturday, November 1, 2014

We got pumpkins painted/carved last minute this year, but Charlotte was really into scooping out the "guts".  She had no fear, which was surprising because she's usually the more cautious one.  JJ on the other hand, wouldn't have anything to do with it.  He kept doing the sign for cold and dirty and organized the paint by gathering it in his arms and saying "mine!" 

Charlotte and JJ painted pumpkins and Brian was the king of carving.  His jack-o-lantern was very creative this year, with a J and a C being hidden inside the carvings.  Can you find them?

Charlotte and JJ are getting the hang of Halloween!  Although JJ is not quite getting out more than one word out at a time, he can say treat as "eet" loud and clear and LOVED getting one in his bucket at every house!  He was one happy dragon last night! 

While trick or treating, Charlotte was speechless looking at other kid's costumes, especially when she saw an Elsa walking down the sidewalk!  I had gotten her an ice cream cone costume and she told people that she was going to be ice cream, but I was doubtful she would actually wear it when last night rolled around.  She happily put it on and was a happy girl.  I told her she looked tasty and she said, "I'm not tasty, mommy.  I'm Char Char!"

It was hard to get one good picture of both of them smiling, but here are the best of the millions I tried taking!  Hope you had a Happy Halloween!

Daddy wore his umpire costume.
Mommy was a mommy for Halloween, creative, I know.

One last picture in our costumes after trick-or-treating.....
 Treats while answering the door with grandpa

Snuggling on Grandpa and Grandma's bed and watching Charlie Brown.  


Thursday, March 27, 2014

House of "Pfain"

We have this cool sign that Brian's Grandma Marge and his Aunt Jill made for everyone in his family hanging outside by our front door.

Only right now I feel like it should say House of "Pfain" established Spring Break 2014.

Not to make my first blog post since, well, since I was home on maternity leave with JJ (whose 18 months now) a complete whine fest, but I'm going to anyway.  After my week, I get to.

It all starts with JJ teething last week.  Ok, I can handle that.  Brian and I are maxed out at work, getting report cards done before spring break, but teething we can do.  Poor JJ: drooling, red cheeks everywhere a guy can have a "cheek", fussy.  Still sleeping, which is good.  Then the busy week turns into the weekend with beautiful weather!  JJ's teething symptoms have now turned to a runny nose and whine fest.  Hmmm...allergies?  It must be.  My throat is tottering on sore, but ignore, just ignore: we have a family gathering and a trip to Bend planned.  The show must go on!

SATURDAY-The family gathering is successful (and super fun to meet a new family member!  Baby Jane lives in CA with cousin Paul and wife Cristina.  What a doll!)  No major melt downs, just runny noses from both kids.  Great family time.  It was a win-win.  Saturday night check in?  Doing ok!  Sore throat?  What sore throat? I'm ignoring you.....

SUNDAY-Charlotte takes a turn for the worse.  JJ is a mess.  What a puddle!  I feel awful, but still trying to ignore it.  We decide to cancel our trip to Bend.  We were supposed to leave the next day.  Everyone except for Brian is whimpy and whiny and sick.

MONDAY-JJ is still a complete puddle and Charlotte is quickly approaching.  SO GLAD WE DIDN'T GO TO BEND.  It's a beautiful day!  Monday afternoon Charlotte starts to lose her voice.  Weird.  Everyone is in bed early, too tired to go on.  But wait, there's more.  10pm.  Who's that coughing in the monitor?  Yikes, who's that REALLY coughing in the monitor?!?  My heart stops.  Is she breathing?  Is she ok?  Rush upstairs.  Charlotte sounds like a dog that has had it's voice box removed and can't stop coughing and can't catch her breath and is crying hysterically.  Half asleep, coughing, unstoppable.  Everyone is panicing.  Finally it subsides and she falls back asleep in my lap rocking.   Brian calls the on-call dr.  CROUP.  All signs point to CROUP.  This is our first experience with croup and please lord, let it be our only experience with it.  If you don't know what this is, good.  I hope your sweet little one never experiences it.  If you have dealt with this, you know exactly what this was like.  MISERY.  Did I mention, WE ARE SO GLAD WE DIDN'T GO TO BEND?  Between my headcold and Charlotte's coughing, the night was off and on sleep with Charlotte in our bed with me and Brian downstairs on the couch.

TUESDAY-We make an early dr. appointment to check in about the croup.   Might as well have JJ checked out too, while we are there.  Poor guy has an ear infection!  Got meds for everyone.  Let's hope this is it.  Let's hope that we are all on the upswing.  I'm starting to feel myself again, thankfully.  Moms don't get to be sick, especially when both kids are.  The soundtrack of our house is coughs, crying, and noses being blown.  The baby burp cloths that Karen made us are the best and softest nose wipers ever!  Otherwise, I'm pretty sure my kids would have horrible red sores where their noses were supposed to be.  My mom makes us miracle soup for dinner, thanks mom!  Charlotte sleeps with me again and Brian is down on the couch.  It took forever to get her to go to sleep.  She kept poking my cheek and saying "psssst,  mommy!  why do we have to go nigh nigh?"  I came up with every answer I could think of without cracking a smile.  It was just so dang cute!  She needed to sleep with an adult again, in case the horrible hacking stridor cough was back.  Once she was asleep, I was able to calm her quickly when she did start coughing again and it never got to that heart stopping panic stage.

Thankfully, Brian is still in one piece.  Right, Brian????  He mentioned a tickle in his throat earlier.  Please let that be it.

WEDNESDAY-Brian wakes up with a sore throat.  Oh, great.  Man alive!  Can we catch a break?  I'm feeling a bit better, but still a foggy step behind.  Charlotte is a complete mess and just wants to "watz a so" all day.  (watch a show).  How do you limit screen time with someone who just plain doesn't feel good?  Her voice is still horse and is just plain a mess.  JJ is starting to feel better.  He looks better.  But still has his moments and is whiny. all. day. long.  This is really starting to be a patience tester.  We decide to get out of the house.  None of us had left the house since Sunday.  We strap the kids in and just drive around, just to get a break from chasing JJ around the house.  Relief for a few minutes.  Brian and I had a conversation that didn't get interrupted and wasn't yelling over a screaming/crying child.  He's not feeling good now.  At all.  Everyone is back to sleeping in their own beds that night, thankfully.  There is a coughing scare at about 10:30, but disaster averted and everyone sleeps soundly.

THURSDAY-JJ is back to himself.  Thank you Omoxicillion!  Climbing & testing limits, but smiling and laughing.  He's playing independently a bit, which is a relief.  He'd been hanging on one of us (mostly me) for four days and it was getting hard.  REALLY hard.  Brian is sick.  He's hanging in there, but he got "it" bad.  Charlotte had a great morning, but wakes up early from nap.  She is inconsolable.  Tears.  Wouldn't eat.  Nothing except Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV and her "D" (blanket) would make her feel better.  We try to go out for a change of scenery.  She wasn't having it.  She had told me earlier that her ear hurt in passing and also told Brian on a different occasion.  We stop the car.  She says "it hurts".  Through the tears, snot, and hiccups, we find out that her ear hurts.  Her left ear, to be exact.  She's pretty specific.  Thankfully the Dr. has an appointment available and 20 minutes later we are in the waiting room.  To add to it all, the poor girl has an ear infection too.


While driving to get her prescription, Brian is saying he feels awful.  He is really susceptible to strep throat.  I convince him to make a dr. appointment for himself.  He does.  It's tomorrow at 8:30am.  I think that I might actually hope that he has strep throat, because then at least we know what it is and he can get drugs to make it better.

It's been a horrible spring break.  The worst.  Ever.  But, Brian and I keep saying how thankful we are. We are so thankful this wasn't a work week.  We didn't have to figure out who was staying home with the kids while they were sick and while us being sick at the same time.  We didn't have to write sub plans.  We didn't have that extra stress of do we send them to day care or not.  We are thankful that this all happened on spring break because this was a hard week.  The hardest.  And I know it would have been even more hard with the stress of work added to the mix.  So yes, we are crazy and so thankful.

Did I mention I'M SO GLAD WE DIDN'T GO TO BEND?  Brian's sister just had a baby and we we are so excited to meet Baby Heath.  Zander turned 3 and Charlotte's 3rd birthday is coming up too, so we were going to do a little celebration with the cousins.  It was going to be a great trip, but with the exhaustion of it all, I'm just really glad we didn't go.

So with that, it's 11:30.  I'll be punishing myself in the morning for staying up so late to write this.  That's why I haven't posted anything in the last year.  It's just so hard to do any of the "extras" in life right now.

Signing off from the House of "Pfain",

the crazed mother,

Melissa Pfaff.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

When to let go

Yesterday I met some of my mom friends at a community center for their "Indoor Play Park".   We didn't know what this was before going, but once we got there we realized it is heaven for any toddler!  Basically in was their gym filled with wagons, cars, tricycles, balls, and anything else that a toddler could pull, push, spin, throw, or kick.  You could see Charlotte's grin from across the gym.  There were others squealing and laughing all around and lots of moms and dads drinking Starbucks while helping their child on or off the cars of their choice, myself included.

After we were there for a bit Charlotte discovered they had a slide, much like this one. Which, by the way, just might have to make it's way to our backyard next summer!

It was bigger than any of the other plastic variety slides we had tried, but Charlotte wasn't going to let that stop her.  I was wearing J.J. in a baby carrier and he was asleep, so my ability to bend over and pick up Charlotte was limited.  First she tried climbing up the bottom, which I veto'd pretty quickly since other kids were eager to come down the slide. Thankfully, J.J. stayed asleep during that quick lesson of Slide Using 101, which got kind of loud from my "student", if you know what I mean.  I walked her around to the ladder, where about 3 other kids were waiting their turn.  She tried to cut the line, of course, but that was lesson #2, also a loud one.  I couldn't bend down really, so I was just holding her arm and I kept saying "that boy is going to go, then that girl, then Charlotte gets to go."  Eureka!  Turns out I haven't lost my touch as a teacher!  It worked! 

She waited, but as soon as the girl started to climb, Charlotte was at her heals behind her on the ladder.  That was lesson #3.  "Careful, her foot might get you!"  The first time up this ladder she needed lots of help.  She wasn't quite sure whether to use her knees as she climbed or her feet, so it was a combo of both.  We got to the top and I had to help her get her feet out in front of her.  Again, her grin was ear to ear.  I held her hand with one of my hands and her elbow with my other hand.  I wasn't sure how this would go over and how fast this slide would go. 

The first ride was a success!  A laughing success!  "WHEEEEEE!" she said as she stood up after her landing and she ran for more.  We had to repeat lesson #2 again.  "the boy gets to go, then this friend, then Charlotte goes."  She tried to cut again, but she got it after I kept repeating myself and she was kind of doing this bounce excitement move and making her car sound.  Hilarious.  Once again it was her turn.  I still was right behind her as she climbed, holding on to her because she was still an unsteady climber.  I held on with both hands on her arm as she went down.  After a few more slides, I realized I wasn't really holding her as she climbed, because she was basically just using her feet and hands now.  I was ready to catch her if she slipped, but she was getting to be a confident climber.  I still had to help her get her feet out in front of her at the top, but pretty soon I was really only holding her hand as she went down.   Over and over, she loved it. 

So it brings me to the thought-When do I let go?

Should I let her go down without holding her hand?  Is she ready?  She probably doesn't even realize I'm holding on to her.  Am I ready?  No.  Will I ever be ready?  Most likely, but not today.  Maybe next time.  Maybe not.  She's still so little.....or am I just too overprotective?  

I know it will happen. 

It happened while she was learning to climb that little ladder.   She started off needing a lot of my help and support holding her while she climbed and her last slide before we left just needed help getting her feet out in front of her.   A small celebration, right?

I know it will happen. 

She's going to climb up ladders and go down slides without help.  She's going to get dressed by herself.  She's going to pour her own juice, ride a bike, and go to school without me.  She's going to, gulp, drive a car and in about 16 short years go to college.  Of course she will.  But not yet, I'm still not ready.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas with Pfaff Pfamily of Pfour

Brian had a furlough day today so we were busy, busy elves!

The day started with decorating the Christmas Tree.  We decided to bring out our Joanne Fabric Doorbuster Sale Black Friday fake tree again this year.  (That is a story in it's own right, but for another time.)  The thought of Charlotte tipping over a real Noble Fir tree on herself was just too much and the pine needles....yikes.  (Inserting Brian's comment here:  "Can you imagine them going in her mouth?  Our fear is not where they go in, but where they come out.")  Thanks for that, Brian.


We started our morning decorating the tree.  We thought we would put non breakables hanging on the bottom of the tree, so our girl wouldn't break anything.  There's lots of action up top, but bare on the bottom.  Hmmm... I'm sure if Brian were still sitting here he would have some sort of off color thing to say.  Let's all be glad he's gone to bed, I'm just not that clever.

Brian was showing Charlotte how to hang the ornaments, putting the hooks on or looping the ribbon around the branches.  She was getting into it.

Then we started handing her ornaments and helped her do it herself.

Then she was IN!  But she sorta skipped the step of looping or hanging and just started setting random things ON TOP of the branches..... the ornament plastic container

and even the lens cap for the camera.

(Non ornaments did not stay on the tree, however funny the action of them getting put on the tree was.)

Here is J.J. and I watching the action.  Charlotte was taking 5 from tree decorating and stuffing a dried apple in her mouth-notice she needs both hands for her stuffing technique.  

After I did some running around town, the kids got their naps, and the weatherman was proven right, we decided to celebrate the season and the crisp, cool night and go to Zoo Lights!!  Referring to my Target posting earlier, you can image the chaos that ensued trying to leave the house, and this time leaving Brian was here to help!  We wanted to get to the zoo while it was still day light so Charlotte could see some of the animals before it got dark so we were in "go mode".  J.J. had to be fed, Charlotte needed a snack, everyone dressed for cold weather, snacks for later, water, a stroller, a baby carrier, cameras, boots, gloves, etc.  About 90 minutes later we had tickets purchased and were headed for fun!  The weather was awesome!

Charlotte's Must See list included the lions, so to Africa we went!  We had to pass through Stellers Cove (sea lions, otters, fish, etc.).  Charlotte got to see a sea lion.  "WHOAAAA!"  Was all she could say.

She was loving it!  I had taken her to the zoo when she was an infant with my class on a field trip, but we haven't been there since her budding passion for animals has started.  She was one happy girl.

Turns out we got there about when the zoo normally closes, but before the zoo lights admission started so most of the animals were already in for the night.  We didn't get to see much, unfortunately.  The giraffe's enclosure has windows and we could watch it eat up close.  That was cool-their eye lashes really are long.

We got to the lion's, but they were already put to bed.  Bummer!!  Charlotte got to climb on the lion statues out front, though.  She didn't know the difference because she kept saying "ROAR!!"  Next zoo trip when we see the real lions will be fun because she enjoyed the statues so much.

 She's saying "ROAR!!!!!"

If you didn't already know, the zoo has a new baby elephant that was born in November!!  The baby wasn't out, but some of the other herd members were.  Charlotte REALLY liked watching the elephants and kept saying "hi!" and waving.  It was adorable.  Brian shot this video.  It's kind of long, beware!  One of the elephants even trumpeted at us!

Cute right?  Yeah, we know.

If you haven't been to Zoo Lights before, we highly suggest it.   It's pretty amazing.

It was starting to get darker....

Charlotte loved running down this long walkway that had lights lining it. 

The sunset was BEAUTIFUL!

J.J. was a happy boy too!  He had his moments when we stopping moving the stroller and when he was hungry, but he ate in the company of the Naked Mole Rats, an experience no one should miss out on while at the zoo.

(A bit blurry, I was trying out the night exposure to pick up on the lights)

As it got all the way dark, the zoo lit up.

Here Charlotte is saying her classic "WHOA!" and making her surprised face.

She was one happy girl!

And we are two happy parents....when we're not exhausted, that is.  Well, we're always exhausted, but today, this day, it was a good one.  One well worth remembering when it gets hard being a parent to two babies and we don't get much opportunity for kid-less fun or relaxing.  Today was a family day for the record books. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

We went to see Santa yesterday, more on that story when I've got some more time.  Let's just say you never know what might drip on your shoe....

Here's a sweet video of last night's story time.  


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A trip to Target, or anywhere for that matter, starts when I wake up and ask myself a few simple questions.

1.  How did everyone else sleep?  Through the night?  Who woke up when?  How long did it take to get them back to sleep?

2.  When did JJ last eat?  What time will he need to eat next?

3.  Oh yeah, you!  How do you feel?  Can you manage a trip out alone?  How will you do it?  Double stroller?  (No, the aisles at that store are too small or No, I won't be able to carry what I need to buy.) Wear J.J. in a front pack and put Charlotte in the cart?  (Yes for a quick trip, but no for Costco and lifting heavy things off of low shelves, like milk, OJ, and diapers which is what I need mostly.  Or better question yet, do you want to carry a 17 pounder in the Baby Bjorn for longer than 20 minutes?  He's a real back breaker these days, but still too young to put in our Ergo, which doesn't put so much pressure on the shoulders.)  Put them both in the cart?  (Again, where do I put my shopping loot?)  Do you even want to get both of them both in fresh diapers, clean clothes, fed, and yourself organized?

4.  (And if I still want to go out after all of that.....)  Do I have time for a shower before one or both kids wake up??

Today all arrows said YES, go for it!  So I did..... (and I even got a shower!!!!  No make up though, my apologies to other Target shoppers!)

The process of Operation Target started at 9am.  Breakfast for me and Charlotte?  check!  Diapers changed?  check!  Everyone dressed?  check!  check!  J.J. fed?  Check! Again, all the stars were aligned for a successful trip out....but alas, we needed coats and socks and SHOES!!  And oh yeah, J.J. is screaming because he's tired and doesn't want to be in his car seat, he wants to be asleep.  So I get him loaded when I hear Charlotte in the bathroom saying "uh-oh"and see this....

Charlotte has discovered the toilet paper!

I laugh, take a quick picture, but we gotta go!  It's already 10:30 and J.J. has to eat in another 2.5 hours!!  Operation Target will be a success....I'm determined!  Mind you, this whole process started at 9am and it's 10:30 and yes, J.J. is still screaming!!

I get both kids loaded in the car and thankfully J.J. is asleep before we even get to the traffic light at Webster Rd.  We made it out of the house!  Success!  But wait, there is still a shopping trip to be had!  Amazingly enough the hurdle is really just leaving.  Target went great.  (We took the double stroller and I carried a basket, in case you were wondering.)  We even walked down to Great Harvest to treat ourselves to a free slice!  J.J. woke up mid trip and had himself a moment, but as long as I kept the stroller going we did fine. 

When we got home J.J. was ready for his next meal so again, he's crying.  Here's Charlotte trying to help him feel better when we got home....

and then she goes in for the kiss....(because a slobbery kiss from Charlotte is what anyone needs to stop crying)

The triumph on her face when he does stop crying....

Then everyone got lunch and I got to rock my son to sleep.  I got him put down successfully and he stayed asleep (a small feat in itself!)  and now am enjoying some pumpkin cheesecake as I write this, gaining my strength for another leg of the stay at home mom race this afternoon.  The quiet it short lived...J.J. is starting to stir and I hear Charlotte on the monitor.  The break is over, both kids awake at the same time.  Read or not, here I go!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Photo Card

Sweet Simple Boy Baby Announcements
Announcements for every life event: graduation, wedding & baby.
View the entire collection of cards.